Take Action

Act Now!

  • Attend the Arvada City Council meetings on Monday Nights at 6 p.m. Visit their website for joining information and to sign up if you would like to speak remotely. Talking points are provided on the Toolkit page.

  • Concerned about traffic in Arvada? Add your comments at Speak Up Arvada: https://speakup.arvada.org/Connecting-Arvada 

  • Together Jeffco: Stay informed about Jeffco's Planning and Zoning changes - go to https://togetherjeffco.com/   Register, fill out the questionnaire, and keep informed!

  • Write county commissioners to request permit restrictions. View our Toolkit page for the sample email.

  • Every Tuesday, County Commissioner Meetings: Make it part of your routine to attend in person or virtually the 8 a.m. County Commissioner meetings and speak during the public comment period about the warehouses.

  • Why now?

    Time is running out. Constellation Real Estate Partners has submitted a permit to build 3 warehouses, totaling 500,000 sq ft..

    Current zoning codes never considered light industrial would be next to residential areas, so they allow

    • 24-hour-a-day operations, including trucking operations

    • No height limits on warehouses that can top 90 feet

    • No rules to limit noise when built next to residences

    • No limits on fumes or pollution from diesel trucks

    • Incompatible operations like “Sexually Oriented Businesses” and trucking distribution centers to be built next door to churches, schools, parks, and homes

    JeffCo is updating its regulations right now. Our community will be a casualty of old zoning codes that don’t protect neighborhoods from incompatible industrial development.

    Studies worldwide have shown that living near loud noise and pollution increases breathing and heart problems in nearby people.

    Two years ago, this same community determined distribution and trucking should not be allowed next to communities. We are the same people with the same infrastructure and health concerns. This issue affects the entire county.

Give What You Can.

Your donations help us with outreach, legal support, environmental studies and other needed activities.

Do Something Great.

There are lots of ways to help:

  • Host a Happy Hour to raise funds

  • Staff Info Booth at Events

  • Help us connect with friends and affiliate with other groups

  • Door Knocking in Neighborhoods

  • Share Photographs and Videos of your residential neighborhood

Email Sign Up.

Please sign up for our emails so that you’re informed.

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